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Physical Activity

Active Breaks Challenge
18/11/24 - 13/12/24

Here in St. Paul's, our Active School Committee have been busy organising posters and ensuring each class is taking part in the Active Breaks Challenge daily. We're hearing lots of positive feedback from children and teachers in relation to the movement breaks. Have a look at the photographs below to catch a glimpse of some the activities.


Hallowe'en Fun and Games!

Speed Flying
Can you spot the flying children?! We had great fun in relay races, flying down and around the cones and then back to the team. 

Catch the Witch
Children worked in teams to capture the witches by throwing hoops. 

Roll a pumpkin
Relay races to roll a wobbly pumpkin around the witches and back to the team. All pumpkins survived the experience and went home with some happy children!

Spooky Cans
A new game this year was to knock over as many tin cans as possible with three beanbags. We had lots of fun throwing, missing, knocking down and picking up the rolling cans.

Run around Europe .png
Run Around Europe       
26th February - 22nd March  

The Run Around Europe challenge is starting in St. Paul's, alongside many other schools around the country! We're very excited to get running every day and to see where we might visit in Europe. 1 lap of our basketball court = 1km. So everyday for the next four weeks, each classroom will be running laps, contributing towards our total distance covered. 

Week 1                                   Total laps
Junior & Senior Infants           572
1st & 2nd                                  539

3rd & 4th                                   490
5th & 6th                                   878

Whole school                       2,479km

Week 2                              Total laps
Junior & Senior Infants         560 
1st & 2nd                                470

3rd & 4th                                 681
5th & 6th                                 837

Whole school                      2,548km

Week 3                                    Total laps
Junior & Senior Infants            583
1st & 2nd                                   729

3rd & 4th                                    665
5th & 6th                                    783

Whole school                         2,760km

Week 4                               Total laps
Junior & Senior Infants  
1st & 2nd   

3rd & 4th 
5th & 6th 

Whole school  

Our Walkway!

On Friday 29th September, the children completed the 'Active Walkway' route instead of the table tennis takeover event. Each classroom had the chance to get outside and move in an active manner from one sign to the next along the route. We had great fun exploring the different pathways and directions we can travel in to get our bodies moving! 


Feel Good Friday

A  real favourite of both children and staff here in St. Paul's are the Feel Good Fridays! We've had lots of fun dancing and listening to music during our lunch breaks throughout the year. The Active Walkway and playlists by the Irish Heart Foundation, TG Lurgan and IPPEA have lifted everyone's spirits and got us moving in a different way during break times!